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Fake Leicas

Fake Leicas are almost always made from Russian FEDs and Zorkis, which were copies of the Leica. Often the engraving is quite good, the serial numbers are correct for the type, and although bizarre finishes are common, it's not impossible for a fake to have a realistic finish. Some details are easy for the counterfeiter to duplicate on the Russian camera, and some are more difficult... and part of the deal is not to have to invest more money into the fake than you can get out of it, so the hard stuff is usually not done.


Below are some of the differences between real and fake Leicas that are relatively difficult for the fakers to correct. They may get one or two of these details but they won't often get them all. 

Raised frame around the viewfinder window - On Russian Feds and Zorkies that viewfinder frame extends all the way to the top of the top plate. On real Leicas that frame does not extend to the top of the plate.

Frame around the viewfinder window in fake Leica


Frame around the viewfinder window in real Leica


Concentric circles on the shutter release  - The Russian cameras has concentric circles on the shutter release like the Feds and Zorki. Real Leicas had solid release buttons - no rings.

Shuter release button in fake Leica


Shuter release button in real Leica


Lever activated rangefinder cam  -  The connection between the focusing cam on the lens and the actual rangefinder mechanism built into the camera's body in real Leica cameras always are round, Feds and Zorkies had lever activated rangefinder cams.

Rangefinder cam in fake Leica


Rangefinder cam in real Leica


No film loading diagrams  - Leicas had film loading diagrams, Feds and Zorkies not so much.

No film loading diagrams in fake Leica


Loading diagrams in realLeica


Poor engraving on top  - Leica engraving is very fine, with delightful sweeping smooth curves, and no appreciable swirling from the engraving process. The engraving on fake cameras is poor as it was made by hand.

Poor engraving in fake Leica


Good engraving in real Leica


Gap next to shoe on the top cover  - The Russian cameras had a big gap on top cover, next to shoe. Leicas had a very small gap 

Gap next to shoe on the top cover in fake Leica


No gap next to shoe on the top cover in real Leica


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